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Research Initiatives


The Healthy People Rwanda-Research Initiatives (HPR-RI) was initiated by HPR, in order to empower the research capacity, support research activities not only in Rwanda but also internationally. HPR-RI offers young health professionals and nearly graduating students the opportunity to initiate and engage in authentic research experiences with faculty and graduate students in areas such as health, science, technology and environment.  This support is based on the recognition that health is vital to social and economic development and that research can only contribute if the approach of research developed views health in its totality.

However, before this growing recognition of the need to utilize research to guide knowledge, policy and action, it is important to ensure a sustainable source of human resources well equipped in the field of research. We believe that the HPR-RI will support researchers and decision-makers in their efforts to develop informed policies, programs, and strategies to improve health and strengthen health systems.


The HPR-RI is created to address the broad needs of research development in Rwanda, and education to utilize research and stimulate relevant research on priority issues. HPR-RI will have four-member advisory committee and a facilitators network throughout the country and abroad; this will serve as a cornerstone for collaborative research between young professionals, graduating students, well experienced professionals, universities, research institutions and donor agencies.

The HPR-RI will work under patron-ship of the Rwandan Ministry of Health and the Grants and research support centre of the College of medicine and health sciences at the University of Rwanda.

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