Evaluating the Impacts of the Gerayo Amahoro (GA) Road Safety Sensitization Campaign & Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) in Rwanda
The initiative
The evaluation seeks to determine the positive and negative, primary and secondary, short- term effects associated with the 2019-20 Gerayo Amahoro (GA) campaign and to study and document the impacts of introducing Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) tools in a low-income African country (Rwanda) to inform broadly transferable guidelines for deployment in other LMICs.
What are we doing about it?
Healthy People Rwanda (HPR) is carrying out an impact evaluation of “Gerayo Amahoro”, a safety sensitization campaign and automated speed enforcement in Rwanda. The main objectives are to:
Complete targeted stakeholder interviews and focus groups to comprehensively describe the design and implementation processes of road safety interventions in Rwanda, including the 2019-20 Gerayo Amahoro (GA) campaign and deployment of automated speed enforcement (ASE) cameras.
Determine the impacts and cost-effectiveness model of ASE in Rwanda over time through a case control study of ASE (treated) roadways with control roadways
Conduct a nationally representative survey of the Rwandan road user population to understand the public perception of and reported impacts of the GA campaign and ASE implementation.

The project is being implemented in partnership with the Rwanda National Police and other global partners