About Us
Healthy People Rwanda (HPR) is a registered Rwandan Non-governmental organization founded in 2013 by 11 students from the National University of Rwanda. Its first projects focused on empowering disadvantaged youth particularly street children. HPR’s work evolved over the years to entail sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice, road safety, professional development programs, and health promotion.
HPR has adopted a needs-based approach throughout its project planning. As of now, HPR focuses on the implementation of projects towards the achievement of sustainable development Goals 3, 5, 10, 11 and 13. HPR empowers local and international volunteers, and its administrative staff with skills and knowledge through offering a life-changing experience of community service and multi-disciplinary partnerships.
Our Work
Road Safety and First Aid Initiative
In June 2017, HPR launched its two-years First Aid Initiative Rwanda (FAIR). This project aimed at promoting road safety and first aid in Rwanda. FAIR resulted from a preparatory study and a pilot project conducted by HPR and the International Medical Cooperation Committee (IMCC)-FAIR from 2013-2016. We recognize that most of road accidents happen because of mistakes of pedestrians or drivers. Either way, road safety measures must be embraced to ensure life is well protected. Reckless behaviors such as drunk-driving, inattention to traffic signs and other contraventions must be abandoned.
What we have done:
Education of high schools and driving students on road safety and first aid
Training of health club teachers
Training of HPR Volunteers
Training of motor drivers and public cars drivers
Education of the public on road safety via social media
Advocacy meeting

​Donors and Partners