Sexual and Reproductive Health
Teens Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinics Project”
Provide Rwandan youth with better access to sexual and reproductive health education services.
Complete HPR-EGP module at 8 schools and 8 youth clubs reaching over 2400 adolescents.
Edutainment: two football tournaments and 1 basketball tournament
Two days training of teachers from eight schools on sexual and reproductive health and rights
World contraception day
Globally, World contraceptive days are celebrated on 26th September annually. World Contraception Day 2014 drew attention to the importance of expanding access to modern methods of contraception through voluntary family planning programs.
Within this framework, HPR volunteers carried out health education sessions in Kigali City on family planning methods available locally and encouraged usability.

World Youth day
World Youth Day 2016 (WYD 2016) was the 15th World Youth day with the theme “The Road to 2030: Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Consumption and Production”. To celebrate that day, HPR team carried out a campaign in different high schools and health centres open to the public on sexual and reproductive health and rights. Teenage pregnancies were highly increasing in Rwanda and led to dropouts and family poverty thus HPR chose to contribute to curbing this problem through raising awareness on reproductive system development, menstrual hygiene, negotiation skills, and contraceptive methods available locally inter alia.