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About Us

Healthy People Rwanda (HPR) is a registered Rwandan Non-governmental organization founded in 2013 by 11 students from the National University of Rwanda. Its first projects focused on empowering disadvantaged youth particularly street children. HPR’s work evolved over the years to entail sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice, road safety, professional development programs, and health promotion.

HPR has adopted a needs-based approach throughout its project planning. As of now, HPR focuses on the implementation of projects towards the achievement of sustainable development Goals 3, 5, 10, 11 and 13. HPR empowers local and international volunteers, and its administrative staff with skills and knowledge through offering a life-changing experience of community service and multi-disciplinary partnerships. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to continuously empower youth and local communities towards improving quality of life from grassroots; through capacity building, research and evidence based health development initiatives.

Our Vision

A future Rwandan society in which youth are drivers of community health’s advancements and everyone has the best attainable health.

Our Values


Our team works as a cohesive unit with common interests, vision, and unconditional collaboration.


Our approaches entail creativity  to ensure sustainable tackling of Rwandan health challenges.


HPR emanated from the zeal of students from University of Rwanda to improve community health which is present in every team member hitherto.


We acknowledge that current Rwandan health challenges are multi-faceted thus operate within multi-sectoral teams to effectively come up with  innovative evidence-based interventions.


We continuously improve our approaches towards a common mission of becoming independent catalysts of good health and advocates for equitable quality healthcare delivery that take into account grassroots initiatives.


Each individual our team comes across regardless of social, cultural and economic difference is treated with utmost respect within the spirit of collective cooperation.


Our journey has been long and still is, nevertheless we are grateful for what has been achieved and the number of lives we improved. More is to come, the sky is the limit!

Meet the Team

Youth Mobilization Projects

The Action2015 campaign was conducted in 2015. It aimed at gathering inputs from youth led organization to inform the development of the sustainable Development Goals. click here to access the report

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