First Aid Initiative Rwanda (FAIR)
First Aid Initiative Rwanda (FAIR) Project
Reduction of mortality and morbidity rates related to road traffic accidents through raising awareness and policy advocacy on road safety and first aid in Rwanda.
Over 3,400 people die on the world's roads every day and tens of millions of people are injured or disabled every year.Through partnership with International Medical Cooperation Committee, First Aid Initiative Rwanda (IMCC-FAIR), we started the project where we are training youth on road safety and first aid. In this project, our target are high school teachersand students, as well as HPR volunteers/members.

HPR volunteers and Health club teachers’ workshop
A two days’ workshop is organized to empower HPR volunteers and high school teachers from health clubs. Currently we have trained 103 high school teachers from 50 schools and 57 HPR volunteers including 43 teachers, and 17 volunteers trained in the current partnership project of 2023-2025. The gender equality is always considered during our training and the ratio was 1:1, men to women. The training are done using the curriculum developed by HPR and its partner organizationIMCC-FAIR; and entailed theoretical and practical portions.

Trainings of Health Club's Students
In nearly every high school there are health clubs in which students are taught on different health related topics. These Health clubs accounts for 50-70 members depending on each school. In this project we train them about road safety and equip them with first aid skills. Trainers are the trained teachers together with HPR volunteers. Knowledge assessment is also done before and after the training. Currently we have trained in total 2,787 high schools students including more than 1200 trained between June 2023 and August 2024. Participants’ gender distribution was 52.2% males and 48.8% females with age that ranged between 11 and 23 years. Each training session lasted for 1-2 hours. At the end of the training, health club studentsknowledge and skills is proven to improve by knowledge assessment.
Health clubs’ campaigns
Health clubs members and teachers who had taken part in the training collaboratively organizethe campaigns. During these campaigns all school students are brought together and the knowledge learnt is shared. In these campaigns HPR award the best performersof road safety and first aid competition. In total, 25,000-30,000 were reached in campaigns, including around 13,000 reached between June 2023 and August 2024.

Advocacy Meeting
Advocacy meetings are meetings in which we invite different road safety stakeholders as well as institutions working in fields closely related to youth. In the previous advocacy meetings, participants expressed their interest in the initiative and suggested further expansion of the project nationwide. That’s why the project has been increasing the number of schools reached, started with 10 schools and now reached 50 schools.